Not like most diseases. There are usually no signs of alarm that notify you of its presence in the early stages of its development. Even if your bones become weaker, you probably feel the habit. This is why osteoporosis is sometimes called the silent disease. For most people the first sign that they have osteoporosis is fracture. These fractures can lasix heart failure lead to loss of height, and you can see, the spine begins horbytsya forward. The problem is when there fractures, osteoporosis is an advanced stage. .
Friday, February 24, 2012
There are usually no symptoms of alarm ...
Ris) in patients or start (7 prednisolone.
BACKGROUND: We studied 265 people, among patients included in two hands, double-blind, comparative study of 1 year effects zoledronovoyi acid (ZOL) on ryzedronat (mean age 56 4years range 18-83years). (RIS) in patients or start (7 prednisolone. 5mg/day or equivalent) (prevention arm, n = 88) or continue to glucocorticoid therapy (treatment arm, n = 177). Methods: Patients received either an infusion of ZOL 5 mg or RIS 5 mg daily orally randomization, and Calcium (1000 mg) and vitamin D (400 1200IU). The primary end point: the difference in percentage change from baseline bone mineral density (IPC) in the lumbar spine (LS) for 12 months. Secondary endpoints: percent change in IPC in the hip (TH) and femoral neck (FN), regarding changes in markers of bone turnover (beta-STH and P1NP), and overall security. CONCLUSIONS: During treatment subpopulation, ZOL increased LS OF 4. 7% to 3. 3% for rice and in TD percentage changes were 1. 8% to 0. 2%, respectively. In the prevention subpopulation, bone loss was prevented and treatment. In the LS percentage changes were 2. 5% to 0. 2% compared with ZOL RIS and TH percentage changes were 1. 1% to 0. 4%, respectively. ZOL significantly increased lumbar spine IPC a RIS at 12 lasix 30 mg months in the prevention of population (p = 0. 0024) and treatment subgroup (p = 0. 0232) in men. In the treatment subpopulation, ZOL showed significantly more reduction in serum relative beta-STH and P1NP rice in all time points. In the prevention subpopulation, ZOL significantly reduced beta-STH at all time points, and P1NP at Month 3 (p = 0. 0297) only. Both procedures were well tolerated by men, albeit with a higher frequency of influenza-like illness and hyperthermia events after infusion of ZOL. INTERPRETATION: annual ZOL preserves or increase in BMD over 1 year to more than the daily RIS in men receiving therapy with glucocorticoids. .
In many cases, i / cfs is believed that ...
Menstrual cramps. Pregnancy. Menopause ... What they have in common? Women. Of course, the first three are exclusively of women. But while men
may have fibromyalgia (FMS), or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or), women develop them at much higher rates. Why are women more prone to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome? To find out why researchers are looking at: >> << It is also possible that traditional gender roles play a role in inequality. When looking for gender differences, it makes sense to start with hormones. "Hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, profoundly affecting the central nervous system responsible for perception and transmission of pain," says pain specialist management Mark Peckman, DO NOT. In addition to the FMS and ME / CFS, he says this may help explain why women are more likely, and
. Research shows that testosterone, a male hormone plays an important role in preventing muscle fatigue. Researchers say that some proteins working with testosterone for muscle recovery after exertion. Women have less testosterone, because they have more muscle fatigue. The study also found that men are better protected from the biological connection between fatigue and pain. Other studies have shown gender differences in stress hormone, which researchers say that low in FMS and ME / CFS. This makes the body more susceptible to damage from stress, physical or emotional. (Physical stress include illness, stress, even wake up in the morning.)
In the non-FMS and ME / CFS, researchers found that women in unhappy marriages bad release of cortisol compared to happily married women. Levels of cortisol Men, however, were not associated with family satisfaction. This may help explain why conditions are characterized by low cortisol levels are more common in women. In 2008 Swedish study of the proposed system of the brain function differently in men and women. (Serotonin
, engaged in pain, sleep, anxiety and depression, and experts say it is the lowest in the FMS and ME / CFS).
Researchers found that women are naturally more serotonin receptors and lower levels of protein that transports serotonin back into nerve cells that produce it (a process called reverse capture). Many drugs commonly prescribed for FMS and ME / CFS slow re-absorption (a), and researchers say it may help us understand why men and women react differently to these drugs. They also say that drugs should be tested for men and women separately, as well as women lasix water pill before and after menopause. Research has shown serotonin system differences between women who do not get, regardless of time of the month, suggesting that PMS prone brains do not respond as well as hormonal fluctuations. PMS is a common >> << with FMS and ME / CFS and often worsens the symptoms. A separate study shows low levels of serotonin affects men and women differently as well. Researchers say that it makes people more impulsive, but not other causes mood changes, while women reported worsening of mood and become more cautious. The immune system, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
more women are conditions that are thought to be at least partly, involve overly active immune system. They include FMS, ME / CFS,, IBS and others. In many cases, the ME / CFS, is believed to be caused by viral infection, which somehow turns on the immune system into a state of hyperactivity, similar to what one feels when their body fights the virus. The difference with ME / CFS, however, is that the body never stops fighting. Researchers say that some cases of ME / CFS may be due to chronic infection, while others may be caused by a virus that leaves a lasting changes in the immune system. "Once the immune system becomes very active, it can lead to inflammatory chemicals, fuels of different types of muscle and joint pain," Peckman said. Then inflammation can affect the nerves, where they are most vulnerable. Genetics, fibromyalgia and Paul
Experts have long believed that plays an important role in Will you develop FMS or ME / CFS, you tend to notice (or perhaps wrong) many factors such as sleep disorders, viral infections or severe stress. Lawrence Bradley, Doctor of the University of Alabama at Birmingham or consider these genetic trends in FMS and gender. He said that some data show that the disorder is more common in sisters than it does among the brethren. Genetics research receives a healthy brothers and sisters of women with fibromyalgia and compared their sensitivity to pain control group. Team Bradley will look at the level of serotonin, hoping to confirm the theory that people with FMS have a genetic abnormality that regulates the production of serotonin. If research confirms Bradley is a genetic anomaly, he said that it will improve our understanding of FMS and can help determine who is exposed to greatest risk. Some experts believe that many men are stoic about their symptoms because they think talking about them makes them weak. Because they do not tell their doctors what was happening, they can not be diagnosed. Furthermore, since FMS and ME / CFS often thought as "female complaints", doctors may be less inclined to think of them as possible diagnoses for male patients. 2008 the American Physiological Society. All rights reserved. 2008 Elsevier BV All rights reserved. 2008 News-Medical. Net. All rights reservied. 2007 for health care. All rights reserved. "Chronic pain research study Fibromyalgia"
2008 University of California regents. All rights reserved. .
Sometimes the bubble burst in the membrane
Emphysema chronic lung disease in which air sacs called alveoli undergo natural increase, and their number decreases. Tissue surrounding the alveoli lose their elasticity, and these air bags may not inflate or download as usual. This reduces the amount of oxygen transfer light into the bloodstream, making breathing more difficult. Emphysema usually results from exposure to toxins from cigarettes and pollution, dust, fumes and chemical stimuli. This particularly affects the elderly and the likelihood that men suffering from emphysema at 50% higher than in women. For cons, the number of women affected is increasing, so that they now constitute the majority of the population that smokes. Reasons for Smoking is a major cause of emphysema. Although tobacco use has declined in North America since 1964, it is still of serious concern among young people. About 20% of people who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years prevented the respiratory tract. Among the victims of lung cancer, 5 of 6 smoke. Most people who suffer from emphysema formerly heavy smokers. Burning cigarette provides more than 4000 different lasix generic no prescription chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic (can cause cancer) or
in living tissue. Respiratory infections can destroy lung tissue, and thus contribute to the start or worsening emphysema. In addition, emphysema increases the risk of infection. Heredity sometimes plays an important role in emphysema. Owners of specific genetic abnormality called a violation of alpha-1-antitrypsin homozygote with a high risk of contracting emphysema. This anomaly is rare, but it explains less than 1% of cases. It is important that people with a deficiency of alpha-1-antitrypsin, do not smoke. Age naturally makes changes in the lungs and alveoli, even for non-smokers. Sometimes the loss of elasticity sufficiently serious to be treated as emphysema. Air pollution can also irritate the lungs and causes emphysema, although pollution is rarely the only factor. Symptoms and complications at the beginning, the symptoms are sometimes not enough. Damage to cells causes shortness of breath on exertion is usually the first sign of anxiety. Gradually, as emphysema progresses, shortness of breath can be felt even at rest. This difficulty in breathing can affect normal activities such as eating and lead to loss of appetite and weight. Other possible symptoms are chest tightness, fatigue and chronic cough. As the alveoli are stretched, air remains in the pockets called bullae that form in the lungs. This can lead to a barrel chest, a characteristic form of breast hyperexpanded. Sometimes the bubble burst in the membrane surrounding the lungs. The air accumulates outside the lung can cause a condition called pneumothorax may endanger the life of the victim. This strain >> << and can lead to right heart failure (heart lung). The agency also try to compensate for the lack of oxygen, increasing the number of red cells
(secondary polycythemia). The diagnosis of a doctor who suspects with emphysema want to know your story and to lung function. Examinations:
• spirometry forced expiratory volume per second (FEV1) measures the amount of air that you send within 1 second of forced exhalation. Lung capacity (FZHYEL) determines the total volume of air the lungs can hold. These are the two most common measures of lung function;
• pulmonary function includes spirometry, but the score of the lungs, oxygen saturation, diffusion of gases through the alveolar walls;
• oksymetriyi is a method used to measure oxygen levels levels by clamp attached to the finger, toe or ear;
• Arterial blood gas tests blood to provide relevant data on the rate of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Treatment and Prevention The first application of emphysema is to quit. Lungs can not regenerate, but at least the damage will be further slowed. There is no way to restore human tissue emphysema, although researchers are studying the use of retinoic acid (vitamin A derivative) for this purpose. • oxygen, which increases oxygen provides the body with each breath. Devices that concentrate oxygen can be used at home;
• bronchodilators such as beta-agonists and anticholinergics, which help relax and dilate the airways;
• corticosteroids that reduce inflammation, sometimes using a small number of people who have asthma emphysema, or if more severe disease and frequent exacerbations transition;
• Exercise can help strengthen the muscles around the lungs. When they are in better shape, light and provide more air supply increased oxygen to the body;
• Easy Surgery is often necessary when stretched lobbied light heart. The United States, lung transplantation for emphysema increased from 2 in 1994 to 800 in 1999. In a new type of surgery called the decline in lung, most painful 20% to 30% of lung removed. Thus, lungs and muscles are left intact to work more efficiently and improve breathing. This method is safer, easier and cheaper than a transplant;
• Surgery pneumothorax by placement, of course, justify the lungs and chest are located on both sides of the pleural cavity. Stimulus, such as talc injected to form scar tissue that connects the two surfaces;
• alpha-1-antitrypsin purified human is indicated for the treatment of emphysema by reducing alpha-1-antitrypsin. Gene therapy is being considered for this shortcoming, but it will not work against pulmonary emphysema caused by smoking;
• vaccination against influenza and pneumonia, as recommended by your doctor to prevent respiratory infections. For most people who have a genetic predisposition to the disease, the best way to prevent emphysema, of course, not smoking. This event is the largest. • Drink plenty of fluids to reduce the amount of thick mucus that accumulates in the airways. .
Emphysema is a lung disease of the lungs
Before we look at the symptoms of emphysema, let us first look at what it and its consequences. In the case of smokers, a chronic disease, in most cases could be completely avoided. At least further damage to the lungs could be eliminated if smokers are aware of the
emphysema symptoms and life changing health implicactions, that it brings. Here are some questions that this site will attempt to respond to new products to be added as soon lasix 100mg as possible .... Emphysema is a lung disease of the lungs, primarily associated with smoking. Lung tissue, which is usually quite spongy and elastic and contains hundreds of millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli. They are responsible for the absorption of oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from the body. These tiny air sacs, which attacked and destroyed by emphysema. Consider a sponge with all her tiny holes, compression and release it has the ability to absorb water quickly and efficiently to keep it. Compared rubber myachyk with one or even several holes, compression and released eat slowly and inefficiently absorption. With thousands or millions of individual air sac walls in the lungs are destroyed, they actually become larger and lose their resemblance to a sponge and become more like a rubber ball. As a result of loss of lung tissue, lungs lose their ability to function normally, resulting in one of the early symptoms of emphysema, shortness of breath. Like most smoking related diseases, emphysema symptoms develop slowly and usually by then, ill health, found a lot of damage already done. It is also worth considering suffering emphysema also have a shorter life expectancy than the general population. Emphysema symptoms: identification of early symptoms can prevent more serious condition if recognized early. The ability to inhale and exhale is becoming more difficult. Some statistics you do not want to hear. Emphysema is a group of diseases caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and for men is the fourth cause of death in the United States and Australia and sixth for women. Not to mention that the negative effects of suffering have to endure for many years, often leading to hospitalization. Treatment of emphysema if you smoke, you must quit smoking immediately. The benefits can be seen in even the most chronic cases. The body tries to restore damaged lungs, but to stop further damage may do much towards improving the quality of life of patients with COPD. There are several options and medical treatment such as medication and quit smoking pills (list is long), which over time can help improve lung function and reduce symptoms. In severe cases, surgery may even be considered. If you are concerned that you may be
signs of emphysema, contact your doctor as soon as possible but in any case, if you smoke, you and your family benefit, and make real efforts to quit smoking . .
Under this new definition, 6.
Heavy thinning bones or osteoporosis (from the Greek meaning "porous bone") can lead to increased risk of fractures. There is no dispute that either. To determine whether a person is at risk of osteoporosis, doctors often rely on test called T-scores. This is where "what to do with the" complexity begins. Or not, everyone chooses to treat osteoporosis (defined as lower than normal bone density and is often considered a harbinger of osteoporosis) is to call the court and weighing the risks of treatment versus risk waiting for that to happen. Bone density in women compared to "normal" or typical bone density Caucasian women aged 20 to 29. If bone density is normal patient, her score will be zero if someone is very thin bone, its rating may be 3. But because bone loss occurs naturally with age, many older women will automatically fall into the negative range. This is where it gets tricky.

"If you look at how we define osteopenia, defined very crudely with a very low sensitivity," he says. "So, almost everyone who is in osteopenia group who are going to get a fragility fracture. They are simply a greater risk. "
Preparations for the treatment of osteopenia and osteoporosis, called bisphosphonates (eg, bonds, helps Sally Field) to increase bone mineralization. But the treatment itself can cause problems. In some women, bisphosphonates can cause ulcers in the esophagus and lead to bone necrosis or bone death. Dr. Alexander Fishberh, medical director of the Center for Family Medicine at the hospital in Florida, acknowledges that some doctors were trapped in the treatment of osteoporosis as a disease rather than risk. "I think that some women are treated, where the risk of fracture is very low," says Fishberh. .
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