Friday, February 24, 2012

In many cases, i / cfs is believed that ...

Menstrual probiotic for immune system Pregnancy. Menopause ... What they have in common? Women. Of course, the first three are exclusively of women. But while men

may have fibromyalgia (FMS), or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or), women develop them at much higher rates. Why are women more prone to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome? To find out why researchers are looking at: >> << It is also possible that traditional gender roles play a role in inequality. When looking for gender differences, it makes sense to start with hormones. "Hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, profoundly affecting the central nervous system responsible for perception and transmission of pain," says pain specialist management Mark Peckman, DO NOT. In addition to the FMS and ME / CFS, he says this may help explain why women are more likely, and

. Research shows that testosterone, a male hormone plays an important role in preventing muscle fatigue. Researchers say that some proteins working with testosterone for muscle recovery after exertion. Women have less testosterone, because they have more muscle fatigue. The study also found that men are better protected from the biological connection between fatigue and pain. Other studies have shown gender differences in stress hormone, which researchers say that low in FMS and ME / CFS. This makes the body more susceptible to damage from stress, physical or emotional. (Physical stress include illness, stress, even wake up in the morning.)

In the non-FMS and ME / CFS, researchers found that women in unhappy marriages bad release of cortisol compared to happily married women. Levels of cortisol Men, however, were not associated with family satisfaction. This may help explain why conditions are characterized by low cortisol levels are more common in women. In 2008 Swedish study of the proposed system of the brain function differently in men and women. (Serotonin

, engaged in pain, sleep, anxiety and depression, and experts say it is the lowest in the FMS and ME / CFS).

Researchers found that women are naturally more serotonin receptors and lower levels of protein that transports serotonin back into nerve cells that produce it (a process called reverse capture). Many drugs commonly prescribed for FMS and ME / CFS slow re-absorption (a), and researchers say it may help us understand why men and women react differently to these drugs. They also say that drugs should be tested for men and women separately, as well as women lasix water pill before and after menopause. Research has shown serotonin system differences between women who do not get, regardless of time of the month, suggesting that PMS prone brains do not respond as well as hormonal fluctuations. PMS is a common >> << with FMS and ME / CFS and often worsens the symptoms. A separate study shows low levels of serotonin affects men and women differently as well. Researchers say that it makes people more impulsive, but not other causes mood changes, while women reported worsening of mood and become more cautious. The immune system, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome

more women are conditions that are thought to be at least partly, involve overly active immune system. They include FMS, ME / CFS,, IBS and others. In many cases, the ME / CFS, is believed to be caused by viral infection, which somehow turns on the immune system into a state of hyperactivity, similar to what one feels when their body fights the virus. The difference with ME / CFS, however, is that the body never stops fighting. Researchers say that some cases of ME / CFS may be due to chronic infection, while others may be caused by a virus that leaves a lasting changes in the immune system. "Once the immune system becomes very active, it can lead to inflammatory chemicals, fuels of different types of muscle and joint pain," Peckman said. Then inflammation can affect the nerves, where they are most vulnerable. Genetics, fibromyalgia and Paul

Experts have long believed that plays an important role in Will you develop FMS or ME / CFS, you tend to notice (or perhaps wrong) many factors such as sleep disorders, viral infections or severe stress. Lawrence Bradley, Doctor of the University of Alabama at Birmingham or consider these genetic trends in FMS and gender. He said that some data show that the disorder is more common in sisters than it does among the brethren. Genetics research receives a healthy brothers and sisters of women with fibromyalgia and compared their sensitivity to pain control group. Team Bradley will look at the level of serotonin, hoping to confirm the theory that people with FMS have a genetic abnormality that regulates the production of serotonin. If research confirms Bradley is a genetic anomaly, he said that it will improve our understanding of FMS and can help determine who is exposed to greatest risk. Some experts believe that many men are stoic about their symptoms because they think talking about them makes them weak. Because they do not tell their doctors what was happening, they can not be diagnosed. Furthermore, since FMS and ME / CFS often thought as "female complaints", doctors may be less inclined to think of them as possible diagnoses for male patients. 2008 the American Physiological Society. All rights reserved. 2008 Elsevier BV All rights reserved. 2008 News-Medical. Net. All rights reservied. 2007 for health care. All rights reserved. "Chronic pain research study Fibromyalgia"

2008 University of California regents. All rights reserved. .

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