Friday, February 24, 2012

Sometimes the bubble burst in the membrane

Emphysema chronic lung disease in which air sacs called alveoli undergo natural increase, and their number decreases.immune system and hiv Tissue surrounding the alveoli lose their elasticity, and these air bags may not inflate or download as usual. This reduces the amount of oxygen transfer light into the bloodstream, making breathing more difficult. Emphysema usually results from exposure to toxins from cigarettes and pollution, dust, fumes and chemical stimuli. This particularly affects the elderly and the likelihood that men suffering from emphysema at 50% higher than in women. For cons, the number of women affected is increasing, so that they now constitute the majority of the population that smokes. Reasons for Smoking is a major cause of emphysema. Although tobacco use has declined in North America since 1964, it is still of serious concern among young people. About 20% of people who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years prevented the respiratory tract. Among the victims of lung cancer, 5 of 6 smoke. Most people who suffer from emphysema formerly heavy smokers. Burning cigarette provides more than 4000 different lasix generic no prescription chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic (can cause cancer) or

in living tissue. Respiratory infections can destroy lung tissue, and thus contribute to the start or worsening emphysema. In addition, emphysema increases the risk of infection. Heredity sometimes plays an important role in emphysema. Owners of specific genetic abnormality called a violation of alpha-1-antitrypsin homozygote with a high risk of contracting emphysema. This anomaly is rare, but it explains less than 1% of cases. It is important that people with a deficiency of alpha-1-antitrypsin, do not smoke. Age naturally makes changes in the lungs and alveoli, even for non-smokers. Sometimes the loss of elasticity sufficiently serious to be treated as emphysema. Air pollution can also irritate the lungs and causes emphysema, although pollution is rarely the only factor. Symptoms and complications at the beginning, the symptoms are sometimes not enough. Damage to cells causes shortness of breath on exertion is usually the first sign of anxiety. Gradually, as emphysema progresses, shortness of breath can be felt even at rest. This difficulty in breathing can affect normal activities such as eating and lead to loss of appetite and weight. Other possible symptoms are chest tightness, fatigue and chronic cough. As the alveoli are stretched, air remains in the pockets called bullae that form in the lungs. This can lead to a barrel chest, a characteristic form of breast hyperexpanded. Sometimes the bubble burst in the membrane surrounding the lungs. The air accumulates outside the lung can cause a condition called pneumothorax may endanger the life of the victim. This strain >> << and can lead to right heart failure (heart lung). The agency also try to compensate for the lack of oxygen, increasing the number of red cells

(secondary polycythemia). The diagnosis of a doctor who suspects with emphysema want to know your story and to lung function. Examinations:

• spirometry forced expiratory volume per second (FEV1) measures the amount of air that you send within 1 second of forced exhalation. Lung capacity (FZHYEL) determines the total volume of air the lungs can hold. These are the two most common measures of lung function;

• pulmonary function includes spirometry, but the score of the lungs, oxygen saturation, diffusion of gases through the alveolar walls;

• oksymetriyi is a method used to measure oxygen levels levels by clamp attached to the finger, toe or ear;

• Arterial blood gas tests blood to provide relevant data on the rate of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Treatment and Prevention The first application of emphysema is to quit. Lungs can not regenerate, but at least the damage will be further slowed. There is no way to restore human tissue emphysema, although researchers are studying the use of retinoic acid (vitamin A derivative) for this purpose. • oxygen, which increases oxygen provides the body with each breath. Devices that concentrate oxygen can be used at home;

• bronchodilators such as beta-agonists and anticholinergics, which help relax and dilate the airways;

• corticosteroids that reduce inflammation, sometimes using a small number of people who have asthma emphysema, or if more severe disease and frequent exacerbations transition;

• Exercise can help strengthen the muscles around the lungs. When they are in better shape, light and provide more air supply increased oxygen to the body;

• Easy Surgery is often necessary when stretched lobbied light heart. The United States, lung transplantation for emphysema increased from 2 in 1994 to 800 in 1999. In a new type of surgery called the decline in lung, most painful 20% to 30% of lung removed. Thus, lungs and muscles are left intact to work more efficiently and improve breathing. This method is safer, easier and cheaper than a transplant;

• Surgery pneumothorax by placement, of course, justify the lungs and chest are located on both sides of the pleural cavity. Stimulus, such as talc injected to form scar tissue that connects the two surfaces;

• alpha-1-antitrypsin purified human is indicated for the treatment of emphysema by reducing alpha-1-antitrypsin. Gene therapy is being considered for this shortcoming, but it will not work against pulmonary emphysema caused by smoking;

• vaccination against influenza and pneumonia, as recommended by your doctor to prevent respiratory infections. For most people who have a genetic predisposition to the disease, the best way to prevent emphysema, of course, not smoking. This event is the largest. • Drink plenty of fluids to reduce the amount of thick mucus that accumulates in the airways. .

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